Sunday, November 7, 2010

Winter Is Coming

I've been busy the last couple of months, just not in the antiques business, buying or selling. I had hoped to do a show in New Hampshire today, but by the time I knew for sure that I'd be free, there was no longer any space available. So it goes.

Even without spending a whole lot of time searching for "new additions" I've managed to come up with a few neat things over the last eight or nine weeks-- nothing important, mind you, just some neat stuff.

 A 19th century silversmith's gutta percha Christmas Ornament Mold.

 A complete woven bagface, probably Anatolian.

 A late 19th/early 20th century Bamboo Book Shelf.

 A wagon Neck Yoke in old paint.

A string of Simulated Pearls, circa 1920.

Like I said, nothing important, just fun stuff to be able to offer once I get back on the show circuit, probably next year...

Even here in New England (we're told to expect 1-3" of snow tomorrow) there's plenty of opportunity to buy and sell good stuff. In Milford, NH, Jack Donigian presents the Milford Antiques Show EVERY Sunday from October 17, 2010, until March 27, 2010. In Concord, NH, Trisha McElroy presents a monthly Antiques Show on the first Sunday of each month until April 10, 2011. In Portsmouth, NH, Nan Gurley presents seven Antiques Shows on a somewhat irregular schedule, Sundays or Wednesdays, between now and April 13, 2011. In Bath, ME, Polly Thibodeau presents the Bath Antiques Shows on the second Sunday of each month, from now until April 10, 2011. And in Plymouth, MA, Lisa Davis will be presenting the winter "indoors" version of her very successful summer market, the Sandwich Bazaar, on the first and third Wednesdays from November 17, 2010 until April 6, 2011. These shows are, for the most part, "short and sweet" affairs, so plan to get there early.